Providing quality housing for quality students
The FORMS page of the Jansen Properties web site provides instructions and links for the required forms used in the process of renting property from Jansen Properties.
Listed below are two forms:

Student Information Sheet
Click where requested at the bottom of this page to link to the form required. Fill in the blocks provided with the requested information as described in front of each block. There are two buttons at the end of each form:
After reviewing the completed form you may click on the RESET button to clear all entered information before starting entry again. Clicking on the SUBMIT button will send all of the entered information as an email to pjansen@jansenproperties.com
The Application For Lease Agreement form is also available at the bottom of this page. At the appropate time in the rental process clicking below will make that form available for printing. It will provide for the agreement signature. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing and printing of this form. If you do not have the Reader, you may download a free copy at www.adobe.com.
Please review all information entered for completeness before submitting the form. All forms received by Jansen Properties will be treated as your personal property with sensitivity to protecting your private information.
THANK YOU for considering Jansen Properties.